
Friday, 27 May 2016

Comic Writing Template Two

Walt: use onomatopoeia in our writing

Task Description: For this task we had to write  what they where saying and thinking and also what sound where they making and it was could onomatopoeia that is what it sound's like,like say Ka-Pow and Bang and all other one.We watch a video about superhero it was could Green Arrow Brick fall we had to watch it with our teacher then after the video was fished we had to get back to our work and finish it i fished my one then i ask if a could put it  my blog and if i could then i could.  

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Tui In The Tree

Walt: understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints.

Task Description: For this task we had to say what they where saying and some other things but we had to write what they where saying but in our own words and we could not cope the book.We had to write 12 sentence but where small then we had to cope the birds that are on the task and cope them on the other pages.Then after we did that we had to ask the teacher if we could put it on our blog and if she or he said yes you can put it on our blog then we could put it on our blog.   

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Comic Strip Sunflower

Walt: understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints.

Task Description: For this task we had to say what they where thinking or say what they are saying.
Then after we did that we had to say what Ruby was thing like Ruby says in her head that she wanted to win
again because she won last one and that was swimming.Then when we fished that we had to ask our teacher if we could put our work on our blog and if he or she said yes we could put it on our blog and also we had to put it on our blog log that is where we put our fished work but it is not our blog that is where we put it so we now that we fished our work.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Fact Family House Wk3

Walt: listen to instructions and complete routines

Task Description: For this task we had to write some numbers that equal it then after we did that
we had to try and do our best on it.Then after we did that we had to do the other slide that was kind of hard
for me because it had to equal 12 but when i did it,it was not that hard then after we did that we could put it on our blog.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Super Hero Poster

Walt: Use images to help tell a story.

Task Description: For this task we had to name our super hero i
named my one Agent Bat Girl.Then after we did that we had to 
think of some power that your super hero would have,i was thinking of teleportation
so i put that on my super power list a i was thinking of all the other ones that is on my list.
Then after we did that we had to think were our super heroes powers come from then after we did that we had to make i picture from DC Kids that is where you make your superhero and that is where i made mine.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Character Description

Walt: use similes and metaphors in our writing.
Her hair was as long like Repunzel, Black Purple  hair.
Her blue and black  armour cape, is kind of power follower,and bulletproof,also her black armour is storage like metal.
She is a little bit tall,and she is also so   muscle like Hulk Smash,but she is kind of muscle than Hulk Smash,also she is storage muscle just like hulk Smash.
Her powers are super speed,and laser eyes,and also her super powers are that she can fly,and the last superpower is super strength.
Task Description: For this work we had to follower the instruction then after we did that we had to write a sentence about what kind of hair your superhero would have.Then after we did that we had to stop what we did then we had to move on to the other sentence.That sentence we had to write on the other one was about what costume would you superhero wear.Then after we wrote all of the sentence's that are on my poster then we could put it on my blog. 

Comic book

Walt:Comic Book Play
Task Description: For this comic we had to cope the book.After we did that the thing that we did it on it was could Arthur games but we did't play games we did work on it.Then after we did that i got a little bit stick on the comic because i did the name of the character but we did't have to do that so then the teacher told me to delete  it then i did.After i did that i ask the teacher if i could put it on the blog log that is were you put your work on so if you did't to you work you could just see if you did your work.Then the teacher said that i could put it on my blog and i did.