Finding information across two texts: Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Choose five words from the list. What do they mean?
Important means your a Principle and the Principle is an Important person to ever on
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LItter means when people throw rubbish on the ground that’s what litter means
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Environment means a group of people in an Environment that like helps sick kids
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Healthy means eating good food like not eating fat food and other things
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A Creature is like an insect and a aninale
Kaitiaki of the stream
Omaru Creek video
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What is the big idea this text is telling us about?
It’s telling us about the Kaitiaki of the stream,The Kaitaki of the stream it follows into the sea
The Omaru Creek video showed us to keep our creek clean
What is one fact that surprised you when you in this text?
The text that surprised me was when he said that the Mangapouri stream which flows there his hometown
Another thing is in the video there were dead fish
Taking care of our creek: What is one tip you would like to share?
I want to share that you should always keep your Creek nice and clean
Another thing in the video is the man said that the WeetBix Tryathlon
is going to be on and the kids are going to swim in the same water as the creek
What information is similar in the two texts?
Is that you should always keep your creek clean or there will be dead fish