
Monday, 24 September 2018

Words Per Minute

Walt: Analyse data and display data using graph

Task Description:Today room seven did Words per minute where you have one minute to write as many words as you can and it can be any words.When we finish we have to count how much words wrote and I wrote 24 words.We had to tell our teacher how many words we wrote and then he put it into data's.We had to sort out the data and then put it into a graph.When we finish we have to ask our teacher if we can post it and if he says yes then we can.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Zombies VS Humans Writing

Walt: write using humour.

Task Description:For this task we had an exciting writing to do and  our teacher set up a task which was free writing but with the free writing it has to be funny so I tried to make it a little bit funny in some of the bits but I tried.In our writing we have to have a intro and then the beginning and then 3 middles and then  when we finish we have to ask our teacher if we can post it and if he says yes then we can.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Take Away Shop

Walt: use subtraction strategies to solve tricky problems.
Task Description:For this task room 7 are doing subtraction.For this task I had three problem's to do.These problem's are about using subtraction strategies to solve hard and tricky problem.I had some help from my friend doing some of these problem's.We have a bronze,Silver and Gold task to do.When we finish we have to ask our teacher if we can post it and if he says yes then we can.

Friday, 14 September 2018


Chicken Lv3.2011
Responding to the text
Use the text to figure out whether the Author would agree or disagree with the statements below.

Check list ✓

Agree/ Disagree



Agree / Disagree

Agree/ Disagree
Explanation and Evidence

Alison didn’t know the “laughing boys” at the beginning of the story very well.
She did know the boys because it was her brother Mikes idea to go and he went in with he’s friend Luke, and I think that Alison would know Luke very feel.

Alison went into the tunnels because she wanted to prove she was brave.
Because Alison couldn’t keep up with them when they were going into the tunnel so I think that she just wanted to go and follow them.

Alison thought she could make it back up the stairs because she thought Mike had already done it.
Because she thinks that Mike would have just went down without thinking through it and not reading the sign.

The longer she was in the dark the more calm and confident Alison got.
When Alison was in the tunnels the darkness was chocking her so she had to leave and go back.

They thought Alison would wait for them outside the tunnels.
I agree because they thought that she wait for them outside because they thought she was going to be a chicken and not go in.

The boys didn’t go into the tunnels very far.
I agree because Alison went right inside of the tunnel and she didn’t even she them right inside of the tunnel so they might have been the chicken’s.

Answer here. Use evidence from the text.

Alison was scared but wanted to prove to the boys that she was just as brave as them. Why do you think she cared?
I think she was scared because in the tunnels there was big guns and some under ground tunnels and it was built in the war.

By going in alone Alison took a risk. What are the pros and cons of taking risks?
Alison took a risk by going in there alone and going in there without anybody so that would have been a risk because she would of gotton lost or broke you leg when she was going down the steps and there would have been nobody there to help.


What message did you take away from this story about the way people play games?
i.e. How can risk affect a game?
Risk can affect when people play games because when you play a game and go somewhere or do something scary it can scare people and they would be really scared.

Task Description:For this task we had to read a book and it was about a girl going into a tunnel because she was following her brother and his friend and it was about her bot being a chicken but her brother and friend being a chicken.The name of the book is Chicken.We have to do a task about agreeing and disagreeing to question.When we finish we have to ask our teacher if we can post it and if he says yes then

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Giving It A Shot

Walt: understand the text from the perspectives of the characters
Dear Lauren
You should both feel the same like me.The only reason Dad said that is because he thinks you could of did much more better and I agree with Dad because I reckon you could of came first but at least you came third and that’s good.In Lauren's shot put competition I think she tried her hardest but then I think she didn’t because she sounded proud when she said that she just came third,but then she tried and she came third.Also that was kind of mean to say but it’s the right thing to say to Lauren but maybe you could of expected more but at least she came in the top three.Then Dad you should apologias to Lauren saying that you didn’t mean what you said and Lauren you should apologias to your Dad for not giving it your everything but it’s good you came something.
Sincerely Dad
Task Description:For this task we had to read a book about Giving It A shot.This book is about a girl who does shot put and doesn't think she has to go and train and because she came third but her father thinks that she could have giving more to Shot Put and maybe she could of came first.This letter is about thinking about Dad and Lauren and how they feel.When we finish we have to ask our teacher if we can post it and if he says yes then we can.