
Thursday 12 September 2019

Explanation Writing- Sensible Games

Why do we need to play sensible games at school? Well we need to play sensible games at school because playing sensible games sets an example for the little kids, another thing is if your not playing sensible games like tackle or play fighting the little kids might think it’s okay then they play and the next thing you know somebody ends up crying. How can we play sensible at school? We can play sensible games at school by not playing the things that would make people cry, get really hurt and also games that would start fights. Another reason for how we can play sensible games at school is not taking the game too seriously because people get really angry when there playing games like tackling,touch or any other games then somebody ends up in trouble because they started a fight or they end up in trouble because they made people cry. When you play sensible game people don’t end up crying,starting a fight or getting in trouble.If you didn’t know little kids watch what you play and what you do to each other, so the little kids could be watching you play bad games and then they would start playing the same game because they think it’s okay, also the way you treat people is the way little kids might treat each other like if you swear at them they might swear at their friends, the way you play and treat each other the little kids do it too. So these are the reasons for why we should play sensible games and also why we need to, I hope that when you read this that you take this in and help the people that don’t know how to do it and also how to behave towards each other so it makes the teachers and some kids days better so they don’t have to keep growling the people that's is playing badly and also treating people badly.
Image result for kids playing nice games clipart outside

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