
Monday 8 June 2020

What's the point- Writing

Task Description: This is my writing task for Week 9 Term2. In this task we had to watch a little video about the Boy who cried wolf, you may have heard of it but it is about a boy who lied about there being a wolf in the village and the people in the village went to see if there was but there wasn't. Then a wolf really did a appear and the people of the village didn't believe the boy when he said there was a wolf then the wolf ate all the little boys sheep. The moral of this story is to never lie about something because it could come true. On the other slides we answer question like what is the message behind this fable or what is the story about and other question. We then had to do a create task which was making up a story.


  1. Hi Zamera,

    I really liked your story as it was very relatable. I can think of times where I've looked after my sick family and then I've caught their illness and they've had to look after me instead! You are right, if you show kindness to someone they will show it back to you.

  2. Hi Ms Stone,

    I've had to look after my Mum when she was sick because she looked after me when I was sick. Thanks for the comment. :)
